Abstract | Uvod: Karcinom dojke najčešća je vrsta karcinoma koja zahvaća ženski spol i nalazi se na
drugom mjestu po uzroku smrtnosti. Istraživanja su pokazala da svaka deseta žena oboli od
karcinoma dojke tijekom života. Iako se danas maligne bolesti mogu otkriti u vrlo ranom
stadiju, kod 30 – 40 % žena dolazi do metastaza u okolne organe i tkiva. Karcinom dojke može
se razviti i kod muškog spola, ali vrlo rijetko.
Postupci: Tijekom pisanja rada pretraživana je literatura u obliku stručnih knjiga i časopisa.
Također su upotrijebljene relevantne baze podataka (Hrčak, PubMed, Google Scholar, Ebsco
Host) te relevantne internetske stranice.
Prikaz teme: Karcinom dojke zloćudni je tumor koji nastaje nekontroliranom diobom stanica
u dojci. Najlakši način ranog otkivanja karcinoma, kada još simptomi nisu prisutni jest
mamografija. Metode liječenja karcinoma mogu biti kirurškim putem, radioterapijom,
kemoterapijom, hormonskom te biološkom terapijom. Odabrana metoda liječenja ovisi o dobi
bolesnika, stupnju malignosti i proširenosti karcinoma i osjetljivosti tumora na hormone. Kod
zbrinjavanja karcinoma dojke, medicinska sestra ima ulogu u tercijarnoj prevenciji malignih
bolesti, edukaciji bolesnika i njegove obitelji, rehabilitaciji te izvođenju sestrinskih intervencija
usmjerenih na potrebe bolesnika.
Zaključak: Karcinom dojke je najučestalija maligna bolest kod žena. Kod te bolesti najvažnije
je rano otkrivanje i tu medicinske sestre imaju najveću ulogu. Njihov je zadatak prenijeti svoje
znanje o rizičnim čimbenicima, simptomima i znakovima karcinoma te educirati o važnosti
redovitog obavljanja samopregleda i odlaska na mamografiju u ranijoj dobi ako za to postoje
indikacije. |
Abstract (english) | Introduction: Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer that affects women, and it is
the second leading cause of death. Research has shown that every tenth woman gets diagnosed
with breast cancer during her lifetime. Although today malignant diseases can be detected at a
very early stage, 30 – 40% of women have metastasis to surrounding organs and tissues. Breast
cancer can also develop in males, but very rarely.
Procedures: For this paper, literature in the form of books and journals were researched.
Relevant databases (Hrčak, PubMed, Google Scholar, Ebsco Host) and relevant websites were
also consulted.
Overview: Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that results from the uncontrolled division of
cells in the breast. The easiest way to detect cancer early, when symptoms are not yet present,
is mammography. Methods of cancer treatment are surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, and
hormone therapy. The method of treatment depends on the patient’s age, the degree of
malignancy and the extent of the cancer, and the sensitivity of the tumor to hormones. In the
breast cancer care, the nurse has a role in the tertiary prevention of malignant diseases,
education of the patients and their family, rehabilitation, and performing nursing interventions
focused on the patient’s needs.
Conclusion: Breast cancer is the most common malignancy in women. It is considered one of
the biggest health problems in the developed countries of the world. Early detection is the most
important in this disease, and nurses play the biggest role. Their task is to transfer their
knowledge about the risk factors, symptoms, and signs of cancer and to educate women on the
importance of regular self-examination and undergoing a mammogram examination at an
earlier age if there are indications. |