Abstract | Cilj istraživanja: Ispitati zadovoljstvo pacijentica i pacijenata perioperacijskom skrbi nakon
opće ili regionalne anestezije.
Nacrt studije: Presječno istraživanje.
Ispitanici i metode: Istraživanje je provedeno putem upitnika od 1. lipnja do 31. srpnja 2022.
godine na Odjelu anestezije i reanimatologije Opće bolnice Zabok i bolnice hrvatskih veterana.
U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 47 ispitanika. Upitnik je kreiran tako da se sastoji od dva dijela:
prvi dio upitnika sastojao se o demografskih podataka,a drugi dio upitnika sastojao se od 15
pitanja vezanih uz zadovoljstvo pacijentica i pacijenata perioperacijskom skrbi nakon opće ili
regionalne anestezije. Za obradu podataka je korišten statistički paket IBM SPSS 25,
proizvedeno u Chicago, SAD, 2017. godine.
Rezultati: U ispitivanom uzorku 36,2 % ispitanika je muškog, a 59,6 % je ženskog spola,
medijan dobi ispitanika je 54 godine, a 76,6 % ispitanika ima završenu srednju stručnu spremu.
Od ukupnog broja ispitanika, njih 91,5 % smatra kako je dovoljno informirano, 89,4 % ih tvrdi
kako su imali mogućnost postavljanja pitanja, a 51,1 % ih tvrdi kako su imali mogućnost
odabira anestezije. 44,7 % ispitanika tvrdi kako uopće nije bilo strah prije anestezijom, 55,3 %
ispitanika tvrdi kako su jako zadovoljni općom anestezijom, dok 57,1 % ispitanika tvrdi kako
su jako zadovoljni općom anestezijom.
Zaključak: Rezultati pokazuju kako nema značajnih razlika u zadovoljstvu općom anestezijom
prema demografskim varijablama, kako postoji značajna umjerena negativna povezanost dobi
ispitanika i zadovoljstva općom anestezijom te značajna umjerena negativna povezanost
između straha od anestezije i zadovoljstva općom anestezijom. |
Abstract (english) | Objectives: To examine the satisfaction of patients with perioperative care after general or
regional anesthesia.
Study design: Cross-sectional survey.
Respondents and methods: The research was conducted by means of a questionnaire in the
period from June 1 to July 31, 2022 at the Department of Anesthesia and Reanimation of the
Zabok General Hospital and Croatian Veterans Hospital. 47 respondents participated in the
research. The questionnaire was created so that it consists of two parts: the first part of the
questionnaire consisted of demographic data, and the second part of the questionnaire consisted
of 15 questions related to the satisfaction of patients with perioperative care after general or
regional anesthesia. The statistical package IBM SPSS 25, produced in Chicago, USA, in 2017,
was used for data processing.
Results: In the examined sample, 36.2% of the respondents are male and 59.6% are female, the
median age of the respondents is 54 years, and 76.6% of the respondents have completed
secondary vocational education. Of the total number of respondents, 91.5% of them believe that
they are sufficiently informed, 89.4% of them claim that they had the opportunity to ask
questions, and 51.1% of them claim that they had the opportunity to choose anesthesia. 44.7%
of respondents claim that there was no fear at all before anesthesia, 55.3% of respondents claim
that they are very satisfied with general anesthesia, while 57.1% of respondents claim that they
are very satisfied with general anesthesia.
Conclusion: The analysis of the results showed that there are no significant differences in
satisfaction with general anesthesia according to demographic variables, that there is a
significant moderate negative correlation between the age of the subject and satisfaction with
general anesthesia, and a significant moderate negative correlation between fear of anesthesia
and satisfaction with general anesthesia. |