Abstract | Cilj istraživanja: Ispitati mišljenja i znanje studentica i studenata diplomskog studija sestrinstva o cijepljenju trudnica.
Ustroj studije: Provedeno je presječno istraživanje.
Ispitanici i metode: Ispitanike čine studentice i studenti diplomskog studija sestrinstva. Istraživanje je provedeno tijekom travnja 2023. godine putem anonimnog online upitnika.
Rezultati: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 36 ispitanika, od čega je 32 (88,9 %) ženskog i 4 (11,1 %) muškog spola. Medijan dobi je 30,5 godina, a medijan radnog staža je 10 godina. 15 (41,7 %) ispitanika susreće se s trudnicama, a 18 (50 %) ispitanika primjenjuje cjepiva na radnom mjestu. 44,4 % ispitanika smatra da se cjepivo protiv COVIDA-19 preporučuje svim trudnicama koje nemaju kontraindikaciju, 47,2 % ispitanika smatra isto za cjepivo protiv gripe. Cijepljenje trudnica protiv COVIDA-19 opravdanim smatra 22,2 % ispitanika, a cijepljenje trudnica protiv gripe 19,4 %. Da trudnice obavezno treba cijepiti protiv COVIDA-19 smatra 8,3 % ispitanika, a da trudnice obavezno treba cijepiti protiv gripe smatraju 5,6 % ispitanika. 58,3 % ispitanika svoje znanje o primjeni cjepiva u trudnoći ocjenjuje negativnom ocjenom.
Zaključak: Nije pronađena značajna razlika u odgovorima s obzirom na spol ispitanika. Ispitanici koji se susreću s trudnicama na radnom mjestu u većoj mjeri svoje znanje ocjenjuje ocjenom odličan (5). Veliki postotak ispitanika svoje znanje ocjenjuje negativnom ocjenom. Pronađene su statistički značajne razlike u odgovorima s obzirom na dob, broj godina radnog staža, status procijepljenosti te s obzirom na to primjenjuju li ispitanici cjepiva te susreću li se s trudnicama na radnom mjestu. |
Abstract (english) | Objectives: To examine the opinions and knowledge of nursing graduate students about the vaccination of pregnant women.
Study Design: A cross-sectional study was conducted.
Participants and Methods: The participants were male and female graduate nursing students. The research was conducted in April 2023 using an anonymous online questionnaire.
Results: In all, 36 participants took part in the research, of which 32 (88.9%) were women and 4 (11.1%) were men. The median age of the participants is 30.5 years, and the median duration of employment is 10 years. Overall, 15 (41.7 %) participants stated that they attend to pregnant women at the workplace. Futhermore, 18 (50 %) participants administer vaccines at the workplace. 44.4% of participants believe that the vaccine against COVID-19 is recommended for all pregnant women who do not have contraindications, 47.2% of participants think the same for the flu vaccine. The vaccination of pregnant women against COVID-19 is considered justified by 22.2% of participants, and the vaccination of pregnant women against influenza by 19.4%. Generally, 8.3% of participants believe pregnant women must be vaccinated against COVID-19, and 5.6% believe pregnant women must be vaccinated against influenza. Moreover, 58.3% of participants rate their knowledge about the use of vaccines in pregnancy as negative.
Conclusion: No significant difference was found in the answers regarding the gender of the participants. Participants who attend to pregnant women in the workplace their knowledge as excellent to a greater extent rate (5). A large percentage of participants rate their knowledge negatively. Statistically significant differences were found in the answers regarding age, number of years of work experience, vaccination status and whether the participants apply vaccines and whether they attend to pregnant women at the workplace. |