Abstract | Cilj istraţivanja: Cilj je rada ispitati percepciju u odnosu roditeljskog stila odgoja i samopoštovanja odraslih mladih osoba.
Ustroj studije: presječno istraţivanje.
Ispitanici i metode: U istraţivanju je sudjelovalo 227 osoba koje su činili studenti Fakulteta za dentalnu medicinu i zdravstvo Osijek te osobe mlaĎe ţivotne dobi od 18 do 40 godina starosti. Kao instrument istraţivanja upotrijebljena su dva validirana upitnika: Skala percipiranog stila roditeljstva i Rosenbergova skala samopoštovanja.
Rezultati: ObraĎeni su rezultati ispitanika od kojih su 183 ispitanika činile ţene, a 44 muškarci. UtvrĎena je zastupljenost autoritativnog odgojnog stila. Izračunati su minimalan rezultat, maksimalan rezultat, medijan, aritmetička sredina, te standardna devijacija odabranih tvrdnji koje se odnose na procjenu samopoštovanja pri čemu su dobivene vrlo visoke procjene. Ukupno 60,4 % ispitanika potvrĎuje prisutnost autoritativnog odgojnog stila vlastitih roditelja. Nasuprot tome, popustljivi i autoritarni stilovi znatno su manje zastupljeni s ukupno 10,5 %, odnosno 15 % odgovora. Ispitana je povezanost pruţanja roditeljske ljubavi i brige i općenitog zadovoljstva samim sobom te je utvrĎena pozitivna korelacija (Rho=0,283, P<0,01). Ispitana je povezanost tvrdnje Roditelji me usporeĎuju s drugima i Osjećam se da sam isto toliko sposoban kao i većina ljudi te je utvrĎena negativna korelacija (Rho= -0,284, P<0,1).
Zaključak: U provedenom se istraţivanju autoritativni stil roditeljstva pokazao najzastupljenijim odgojnim stilom. Nije zabiljeţena statistički značajna razlika u percepciji roditeljskog stila odgoja i samopoštovanja u odnosu na muški i ţenski spol. UtvrĎena je povezanost roditeljskog stila odgoja i samopoštovanja odraslih mladih osoba. |
Abstract (english) | Aim of the research: The aim of this research is to examine the perception in relation to a parenting style and the self-esteem of young adults.
Structure of the study: A cross-sectional study.
Respondents and methods: The number of research respondents was 227: students of the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health Osijek, and younger persons from 18 to 40 years of age. Two validated questionnaires were used as a research instrument: the Perceived parenting style scale and the Rosenberg self-esteem scale.
Results: The results of the respondents were processed, of which 183 respondents were women and 44 were men. The perception of authoritative parenting style was established. The minimum score, the maximum score, the median, the mean score, and the standard deviation of the selected statements related to self-esteem assessment were calculated, whereby very high assessments were obtained. A total of 60.4 % of respondents perceive authoritative parenting style of their parents; in contrast, permissive and authoritarian parenting styles are significantly less represented with a total of 10.5 %, i.e. 15 % of response.. The connection between conveying parental love and care and general self-approval was examined, whereby a positive correlation was established (Rho=0,283, p<0,01). Also, the connection between the following statements was examined: My parents compare me to others and I feel that I am as capable as most people, whereby, on the other hand, a negative correlation was established (Rho= -0,284, p<0,1).
Conclusion: In the conducted research authoritative parenting style proved to be the most represented parenting style. No statistically significant difference was found in the perception of parenting style and self-esteem in relation to male and female gender. According to the above result, a high level of self-esteem was established, as well as the connection between a parenting style and the self-esteem of young adults. |