Abstract | Uvod: Uzrok nastanka karcinoma dojke nije definiran niti poznat, međutim postoji niz
čimbenika koji imaju izravan utjecaj na razvoj karcinoma među kojima je najistaknutija
pozitivna obiteljska anamneza. Žene koje imaju genetske predispozicije za karcinom dojke,
imaju dva do četiri puta veću vjerojatnost razvoja karcinoma, posebice one žene koje su
nositeljice gena BRCA 1 i BRCA 2.
Postupci: Za izradu diplomskog rada pregledat će se znanstveni i stručni članci te web
stranice, a bit će pretraživane četiri baze podataka: Cochrane, Dabar, Hrčak i PubMed.
Prikaz teme: Karcinom dojke najčešće se dijagnosticira probirom ili samopregledom.
Samopregledom se mogu uočiti simptomi kao što su bol u dojci ili opipljiva masa koji potiču
dijagnostički pregled. Mamografija se smatra standardnim testom za otkrivanje karcinoma
dojke. Liječenje raka dojke provodi se prema protokolu, ovisno o patohistološkoj vrsti
tumora, stadiju malignog procesa i općem stanju organizma odabire se najidealniji princip
liječenja. U liječenju karcinoma dojke sudjeluje multidisciplinaran tim, a kao najoptimalnija
vrsta liječenja, pokazala se kombinacija sistemskog i kirurškog liječenja te zračenja.
Napredak u dijagnostici i modalitetima liječenja raka dojke utjecali su na preživljenje, no
povećala se i stopa komplikacija nakon liječenja. To prvenstveno uključuje bol, umor,
mišićnu slabost, limfedem, psihološke probleme (npr. anksioznost, depresija, nesanica),
kognitivna oštećenja, ali i posturalne promjene.
Zaključak: Fizioterapijska intervencija čini važan, neophodan dio rehabilitacijskog procesa.
Svoju ulogu pronalazi prije kirurškog zahvata, u akutnoj fazi oporavka, ali i u kasnoj fazi
rehabilitacije. Pored kineziterapije, elektroterapijskih procedura i manualnih tehnika,
fizioterapeut je obvezan educirati pacijenticu o provođenju mjera samozbrinjavanja u svrhu
što bržeg i optimalnijeg oporavka. |
Abstract (english) | Introduction: The cause of breast cancer is not defined or known, but there are a number of
factors that have a direct impact on the development of cancer, among which the most prominent
is a positive family history. Women who have a genetic predisposition to breast cancer are two to
four times more likely to develop cancer, especially those women who carry the BRCA 1 and
BRCA 2 genes.
Procedure: For the preparation of the graduate work, scientific and professional articles and
websites will be reviewed, and four databases will be searched: Cochrane, Dabar, Hrčak and
Overwiev: Breast cancer is most commonly diagnosed by screening or self-examination.
Self-examination can detect symptoms such as breast pain or palpable mass, which prompt a
diagnostic examination. Mammography is considered the standard test for detecting breast
cancer. Treatment of breast cancer is carried out according to the protocol, depending on the
histological type of the tumor, the progress of the malignant process and the general condition of
the organism. A multidisciplinary team participates in the treatment of breast cancer, and the
combination of systemic and surgical treatment and radiation has proven to be the most optimal
type of treatment. Advances in the diagnosis and treatment modalities of breast cancer have
affected survival, but the complication rate has also increased after treatment. These primarily
include pain, fatigue, muscle weakness, lymphedema, psychological problems (e.g., anxiety,
depression, insomnia), cognitive impairment, but also postural changes.
Conclusion: Physiotherapy intervention forms an important, necessary part of the rehabilitation
process. It finds its role before surgery, in the acute phase of recovery, but also in the late phase
of rehabilitation. In addition to kinesitherapy, electrotherapy procedures and manual techniques,
the physiotherapist is obliged to educate the patient about the implementation of self-care
measures in order to recover as quickly and optimally as possible. |