Abstract | Cilj istraživanja: glavni cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati razinu znanja medicinskih sestara i tehničara o simptomima, posljedicama i učinkovitim strategijama prevencije sindroma izgaranja.
Nacrt studije: presječno istraživanje.
Ispitanici i metode: ispitanici u ovom istraživanju su medicinske sestre i medicinski tehničari s najmanje godinu dana radnog iskustva, koji su dobrovoljno pristali sudjelovati. Podaci su prikupljeni anonimnim upitnikom distribuiranim elektronskim putem, a upitnik je obuhvaćao sociodemografske podatke, radno iskustvo i uvjete rada te znanje o prevenciji sindroma izgaranja. Obrada podataka provedena je pomoću statističkog programa SPSS, a razlike među skupinama testirane su Mann-Whitneyevim U-testom i Kruskal-Wallisovim testom. Istraživanje je provedeno u skladu s etičkim normama, uz informirani pristanak svih sudionika i osiguranje njihove anonimnosti.
Rezultati: istraživanje je pokazalo da su većina ispitanika žene (87,1 %), najčešće u dobi od 30 do 40 godina (46,6 %), u braku (55,2 %) i s višom stručnom spremom (67,2 %). Većina ispitanika radi puno radno vrijeme (95,7 %) i ima više od 15 godina radnog staža (40,5 %), a njih najviše živi u mjestima s više od 100 000 stanovnika (37,1 %). Većina ispitanika radi smjenski rad (65,5 %), dok manji broj ima specifične vrste radnog vremena, a najviše ih radi u kliničkim bolničkim centrima (56,0 %). Primjena znanja o prevenciji sindroma izgaranja pokazala je da manje od polovice ispitanika (45,7 %) koristi stečena znanja u praksi, dok su glavne prepreke uključivale nedostatak radne snage, lošu organizaciju i nerazumijevanje od strane nadređenih.
Zaključak: istraživanje je pokazalo da većina ispitanika (95,7 %) ima izvrsno znanje o strategijama prevencije sindroma izgaranja, uključujući prepoznavanje simptoma (96 %) i posljedica neprimjerene prevencije (98 %). Zaključci ističu važnost neprekidne edukacije i podrške medicinskim sestrama i tehničarima te preporučuju uvođenje redovitih edukacijskih programa i resursa za mentalno zdravlje kako bi se smanjila pojava izgaranja u zdravstvenom području. |
Abstract (english) | Objectives: The main aim of this study was to determine the level of knowledge the nurses and medical technicians have regarding the symptoms, consequences, and efficient strategies to prevent burnout syndrome. Study design: Cross-sectional study.
Respondents and methods: The participants in this study were nurses and medical technicians with at least one year of work experience who volunteered to participate. Data were collected using an anonymous, electronically distributed questionnaire that included sociodemographic data, professional experience and conditions, and knowledge of burnout prevention. Data analysis was performed using the SPSS statistical software, with differences between groups assessed through the Mann-Whitney U test and the Kruskal-Wallis test. The study was conducted per ethical standards, obtaining informed consent from all participants and ensuring anonymity.
Results: The study found that the majority of participants were women (87.1%), most commonly aged between 30 and 40 years (46.6%), married (55.2%) and with higher professional education (67.2%). Most participants worked full-time (95.7%) and had more than 15 years of work experience (40.5%), with the majority living in cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants (37.1%). Most participants worked shift work (65.5%), a smaller proportion had special working hours, and most worked in clinical centres (56.0%). The application of burnout prevention knowledge revealed that less than half of the participants (45.7%) used the acquired knowledge in practice, with the main barriers being a lack of staff, poor organization, and lack of understanding from supervisors.
Conclusion: The study found that the majority of participants (95.7%) had excellent knowledge of burnout prevention strategies, including recognizing symptoms (96%) and the consequences of inadequate prevention (98%). The conclusions highlight the importance of continuous training and support for nurses and technicians. The study recommends introducing regular training programs and mental health resources to reduce the incidence of burnout in the healthcare sector. |