Abstract | CILJ ISTRAŽIVANJA: Cilj je rada ispitati odnos percepcije socijalne podrške i školskog uspjeha
učenika Zdravstvene i veterinarske škole Dr. Andrije Štampara, Vinkovci.
USTROJ STUDIJE: Presječna studija.
ISPITANICI I METODE: Ispitanici istraživanja bili su punoljetni učenici Zdravstvene i
veterinarske škole Dr. Andrije Štampara Vinkovci, a istraživanje je provedeno online putem, preko
Google forms-a. U istraživanju je ispitano 104 adolescenta, od kojih je 78 ženskih ispitanika, a 27
muških ispitanika. Podaci su prikupljeni putem online upitnika koji se sastoji od 31 pitanja. Anketa
se sastojala od demografskih pitanja, Multidimenzionalne skale percipirane socijalne podrške i
Skale vezanosti za školu (1,46). Na sva pitanja bili su ponuđeni odgovori.
REZULTATI: Najviše ispitanika u istraživanju ima 18 godina (57,1%). Ispitanici ženskog spola
percipiraju značajno veću ukupnu socijalnu podršku (U=719,000; P=0,02), veću socijalnu podršku
važnih drugih osoba u životu (U=622,500; P=0,003) te veću socijalnu podršku prijatelja
(U=600,500; P=0,001). Ukupna socijalna podrška visoko je pozitivno povezana sa socijalnom
podrškom važnih drugih osoba u životu (P<0,001), socijalnom podrškom obitelji (P<0,001) i
socijalnom podrškom prijatelja (P<0,001). Što je veće izvršavanje školskih obaveza, socijalna
podrška ukupno, socijalna podrška važnih drugih osoba u životu, obitelji i prijatelja, veći je školski
uspjeh i obrnuto.
ZAKLJUČAK: Ispitanici ženskoga spola percipiraju značajno veću socijalnu podršku ukupno.
Ukupna socijalna podrška visoko je pozitivno povezana sa svim ostalim socijalnim podrškama. Iz
rezultata istraživanja jasno možemo zaključiti da veće izvršavanje školskih obaveza i veća socijalna
podrška školski uspjeh čine većim i obrnuto. |
Abstract (english) | OBJECTIVES: The research objective is to examine the relationship between the perspective of
social support and success in school among the students of Health and Veterinary High School Dr.
Andrija Štampar Vinkovci.
STUDY DESIGN: Cross-sectional study.
PARTICIPANTS AND METHODS: The research participants were adult students of Health and
Veterinary High School Dr. Andrija Štampar Vinkovci, and the research was conducted online
through Google Forms. 104 adolescents were questioned in the research, 78 of which were female
participants and 27 were male. The data was collected through the online survey which consisted
of 31 questions. The survey consisted of demographic questions, a multi-dimensional scale of
perceived social support and a scale of school attachment (1.46). All the questions had offered
RESULTS: The highest number of participants were 18 years old (57.1%). The female
participants perceive a significantly higher level of overall social support (U=719.000; P=0.02), a
higher level of social support of other important people in life (U=622.500; P=0.003) and more
social support of friends (U=600.500; P=0.001). Overall social support is highly positively
connected to social support of other important people in life (P<0.001), social support of family
(P<0.001) and social support of friends (P<0.001). The greater the fulfillment of school obligations,
overall social support, social support of other important people in life, family and friends, the
greater the school success and vice versa.
CONCLUSION: The female participants perceive a significantly higher level of overall social
support. Overall social support is highly positively connected to all other social support. From the
results of the research, we can clearly conclude that greater fulfillment of school obligations and
greater social support make school success greater and vice versa. |