Abstract | CILJ ISTRAŽIVANJA: Ispitati učestalost namjernih akutnih intoksikacija u vrijeme pandemije COVID-19 u Jedinici intenzivnog liječenja Kliničke bolnice „Sveti duh“.
NACRT STUDIJE: Retrospektivna, jednocentrična, opservacijska studija.
ISPITANICI I METODE: Podaci za ovo istraživanje su ekstrahirani iz Sustava prijema pacijenata nakon odobrenja Etičkog povjerenstva bolnice. U istraživanje su uključeni bolesnici hospitalizirani od siječnja 2017. do studenog 2022. Procijenjene su demografske karakteristike, sezonske distribucije, APACHE II, GCS rezultat, najčešće korištena sredstva, potreba za mehaničkom ventilacijom i dijalizom, mortalitet i incidencija tri godine prije i od početka pandemije COVID-19.
REZULTATI: Analizirani su podaci 119 pacijenata, što čini 3,9 % svih prijema na intenzivnu njegu. Omjer M:Ž bio je 57:43 %, srednja dob 44,1 godina, 82 % bolesnika je već imalo postojeći psihijatrijski poremećaj. Za većinu pacijenata ovo je bio prvi pokušaj (74 %) i u 73 % slučajeva s više lijekova. Uzročnici su bili: benzodiazepini (54,6 %), antipsihotici (24,4 %) i opijati (18,5 %). Srednji APACHE II bio je 15,9, a GCS rezultat 8,5, 38 % bolesnika je zahtijevalo mehaničku ventilaciju, 5 % je hemodijalizu, a 51 % bolesnika razvilo je pneumoniju. Prema sezonskoj distribuciji, intoksikacije su se najčešće javljale u kolovozu i listopadu. Stopa smrtnosti bila je 5 %.
ZAKLJUČAK: Iako su hospitalizacije, kao i stopa mortaliteta niska, najosjetljivija skupina su mlađi psihijatrijski bolesnici sa zlouporabom propisane terapije. Postoji statistički značajan porast u vremenu prije i za vrijeme pandemije Covid-19 spola i dobi. |
Abstract (english) | THE RESEARCH AIM: To determine the frequency of intentional acute intoxications during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Intensive Care Unit of the "Holy Spirit" Clinical Hospital.
STUDY DRAFT: Retrospective, single-center, observational study
SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Data for this study were extracted from the Hospital Information System after approval by the Hospital's Ethics Committee. Patients hospitalized from January 2017 to November 2022 were included in the study. Demographic characteristics, seasonal distribution, APACHE II, GCS score, most commonly used means, need for mechanical ventilation and dialysis, mortality and incidence three years before and since the beginning of the COVID pandemic were evaluated.
RESULTS: The data of 119 patients were analyzed, which is 3.9% of all intensive care admissions. The male:female ratio was 57:43%, the mean age was 44.1 years, 82% of the patients already had an existing psychiatric disorder. For the majority of patients this was the first attempt (74%) and in 73% of cases with multiple drugs. The causative agents were: benzodiazepines (54.6%), antipsychotics (24.4%) and opiates (18.5%). The mean APACHE II was 15.9 and the GCS score was 8.5, 38% of patients required mechanical ventilation, 5% required hemodialysis, and 51% of patients developed pneumonia. According to the seasonal distribution, intoxications occurred most often in August and October. The mortality rate was 5%. A statistically significant increase in acute intoxications was observed in the period of COVID (68 vs. 51) with a tendency towards a younger age (40.7 years vs. 48.6 years).
CONCLUSION: Although hospitalizations and the mortality rate are low, the most vulnerable group are younger psychiatric patients with misuse of prescribed therapy. There is a statistically significant increase in gender and age before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. |