Sažetak | Cilj istraživanja: Cilj istraživanja jest ispitati kardiovaskularno zdravlje stanovnika na
području Levanjske Varoši.
Nacrt studije: Istraživanje je provedeno na 124 ispitanika tijekom siječnja i veljače 2022.
godine, za potrebe završnog rada Preddiplomskog sveučilišnog studija Sestrinstva na Fakultetu
za dentalnu medicinu i zdravstvo u Osijeku.
Ispitanici i metode: Presječno istraživanje provedeno je anketnim upitnikom. U istraživanju
su sudjelovali stanovnici Levanjske Varoši. Svi ispitanici upitnik su ispunjavali anonimno i
samostalno. Anketni upitnik sastoji se od 30 pitanja koja ispituju životne navike pojedinca i
ukupni kardiovaskularni rizik. Za obradu podataka korišten je statistički paket IBM SPSS 25,
a korišteni su Hi-kvadrat test, Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test te
Point-biserialna, Pearsonova i Spearmanova korelacija.
Rezultati: U ispitivanom uzorku izražen je nešto veći postotak ženskog spola (54,8 %), a
većina ispitanika (52,4 %) starije je od 60 godina. Ispitanici nemaju dnevni plan prehrane (71,8
%), pritom ribu ne konzumiraju svakodnevno (98,4 %), ali svakodnevno konzumiraju
suhomesnate proizvode i crveno meso (39, 5 %). Od hipertenzije boluje 60, 5 % stanovnika,
njih 50,8 % boluje od hiperlipidemije, a 24,2 % od dijabetesa. Trenutno u cigaretama uživa
23,4 % dok je njih 67,4 % izrazilo da u alkoholu uživa ponekad u društvu. Prema medijanu
ITM-a (M = 28,719; SD = 5,401) stanovništvo Levanjske Varoši prekomjerne je tjelesne mase.
Zaključak: Kardiovaskularno zdravlje stanovnika Levanjske Varoši narušeno je lošim
životnim navikama stanovnika uz postojeće znakove hiperlipidemije i hipertenzije. Narušen je
i kardiovaskularni rizik sa prisutnim čimbenicima rizika nezdrave prehrane, prekomjerne
tjelesne mase, tjelesne neaktivnosti i hipertenzije. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Objectives: The aim of the research is to examine the cardiovascular health of the inhabitants
of Levanjska Varoš. The specific objective is to examine their cardiovascular risk, based on
their life habits and to determine what are the most common risk factors are.
Study Design: The research was conducted on 124 respondents in January and February 2022,
for the purposes of the final work of the undergraduate university study of Nursing at the
Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health in Osijek.
Participants and Methods: The cross-sectional survey was conducted by a questionnaire.
Residents of Levanjska Varoš participated in the research. All respondents completed the
questionnaire anonymously and independently with prior knowledge of its purpose. The
questionnaire consists of 30 questions that examine individual's life habits and overall
cardiovascular risk. The statistical package IBM SPSS 25 was used for data processing.
Results: In the examined sample, a slightly higher percentage of females was expressed
(54.8%), and the majority of respondents (52.4%) were older than 60. Respondents do not have
a daily diet plan (71.8%), although fish is not consumed daily (98.4%), dried meat products
and red meat are (39.5%). 60.5% of the population suffers from hypertension, 50.8% of them
suffer from hyperlipidemia, and 24.2% from diabetes. Currently, 23.4% enjoy cigarettes, while
67.4% said that they sometimes enjoy alcohol. According to the BMI median (M = 28,719; SD
= 5,401), the population of Levanjska Varoš is overweight.
Conclusion: The inhabitants of Levanjska Varoš are of poor cardiovascular health due to bad
life habits. is impaired. There are also evident signs of hyperlipidemia and hypertension.
Cardiovascular risk is also high, with the presence of risk factors such as unhealthy diet,
obesity, physical inactivity and hypertension. In addition, the inhabitants of Levanjska Varoš
have a positive genetic predisposition for the development of CVD. |