Sažetak | Cilj istraživanja:
ispitati znanja doktora d dentalne medicin e o profilaktičkoj upotrebi
antibiotika u oralnoj kirurgiji i usporediti rezultate prikupljene istraž ivanjem s obzirom na dob
i spol te radno iskustvo iskustvo.
Nacrt studije: Presječno istraživanje.
Ispitanici i metode: Anketno istr aživanje uključiv uključivalo je 110 ispi tanika te je provedeno u
svibnju 2023. Anketni upitnik kreiran posebno za potrebe istraživanja sastoji se od ukupno 27
pitanja zatvorenog tipa.
Rezultati: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 110 ispitanika, od kojih su 58 (52, 7 % %) žene, a 52 ( 47,3 %) muškar muškarci. S obzirom na dobnu strukturu ispitanika, njih 33, 6 % ima od 24 do 30 godina , 2 % ispitanika ima od 31 do 40 godina , 6 % ima između 41 i 50 godina, 10 % ima između 51 i 60 godina , dok je 4, 5 % starije od 60 godina. Kada je riječ o radnom
iskustvu, manj e od pet godina radnog staža ima 36, 4 % ispitanika, 25, 5 % ispitanika ima
između pet i deset godina , dok 2 % ispitanika ima više od deset godina radnog staža. S
obzirom na obrazovanje 86, 4 % ispitanika su doktordoktori dentalne medicine u po poliv alentnim
ordina cijama, dok su preostalih 13, 6 % ispitanika specijalisti. Za područje rada 3, 6 %
ispitanika navodi bolnicu , 9 % dom zdravlja, 34, 5 % ispitanika privatnu ugovornu
ordinaciju, a 40, 9 % ispitanika privatnu ordinaciju ordinaciju.
Zaključak: Nema značajn značajnih razlika u zn anju doktora dentalne medicine o profilaktičkoj
uporabi antibiotika u oralnoj k irurgiji s obzirom na dob, spol te radno iskustvo. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Objective:
to examine the knowledge of doctors of dental medicine about the prophylactic
use of antibiotics in oral surgery a nd to compare the results collected by the resea rch with
regard to age a nd gender and years of work experience.
Study plan:
CrossCross-sectional survey.
Participants and Methodology:
The survey included 110 respondents and was conducted in May 2023. The survey questionnaire has been created specifically for the purposes of the research and consists of a total of 27 closed-ended questions.
110 respondents participated in the research, of which 58 (52. 7 % %) were women and
52 (47. 3 % %) were men. Regarding th e age st ructure o f th e respondents, 33.6% of them are
between 24 and 30 years old, 38.2% of respondents are between 31 and 40 years old, 13.6%
are between 41 and 50 years old, 10% are between 51 and 60 years old , while 4.5% are over
60 years old. When it c omes to work expe experi ence, 36.4% of respondents have less than five
years of work experience, 25.5% of respondents have between five and ten years, while 38.2%
of respondents have more than ten years of work experience. With regard to education, 86.4%
of res pondents are doct doctor s of dental medicine in polyvalent practices, while the remaining
13.6% of respondents are specialists. For the area of work, 3.6% of the respondents indicated
a hospital, 20.9% a health center, 34.5% a private contractual practice, and 40.9% a private
pra ctice.
The results indicate that there are no significant differences in the knowledge of
doctors of dental medicine about the prophylactic use of antibiotics in oral surgery with regard
to age, gender, education, years of wo rk exper ience, or field of work. |