Sažetak | CILJ ISTRAŽIVANJA: Ispitati stavove i mišljenja medicinskih sestara i tehničara radnim uvjetima na Odjelu za neurološku rehabilitaciju Specijalne bolnice za medicinsku rehabilitaciju Krapinske Toplice.
NACRT STUDIJE: Presječno istraživanje.
ISPITANICI I METODE: U istraživanju su sudjelovale medicinske sestre Odjela za neurološku rehabilitaciju Specijalne bolnice za medicinsku rehabilitaciju Krapinske Toplice, a provedeno je anonimnim upitnikom koji je korišten za istraživanje čiji su rezultati objavljeni u članku „Job satisfaction and attitudes towards nursing care among nurses working at Mzuzu Central Hospital in Mzuzu, Malawi“ i dostupan je za slobodnu upotrebu. Za statističku obradu podataka korišten je programski paket STATISTICA 11.0. for Windows, verzija 14.0.1., Palo Alto, CA, TIBCO Software Inc; 2012.
REZULTATI: U istraživanje o zadovoljstvu ispitanika radnim mjestom je uključeno 56 ispitanika u dobi od 18 do >55 godina. Što se tiče zadovoljstva profesionalnim prilikama, ispitanici su najmanje zadovoljni mogućnošću članstva u odjelima i institucionalnim odborima (2,3±0,8), a najzadovoljniji mogućnosti za interakciju s fakultetom Visoke škole za medicinske sestre (3,3±1,2). Kad se promatra zadovoljstvo ispitanika rasporedom rada, najniži stupanj zadovoljstva je karakterističan za nedostatak fleksibilnosti u rasporedu sati (2,8±0,8), a najviši činjenicom da poslodavac isplaćuje naknadu za rad vikendom (3,9±1,0). Prosječna ocjena zadovoljstva radnim mjestom (srednje vrijednosti ocjena svih 56 ispitanika na 22 pitanja) iznosila je 2,9±0,5 od mogućih 5.
ZAKLJUČAK: Regresijskom je analizom potvrđeno da je samo duljina radnog staža jedina prediktorska varijabla sa statistički značajnim utjecajem na ukupno zadovoljstvo radnim mjestom, što je u skladu s rezultatima osnovne statistike. |
Sažetak (engleski) | THE RESEARCH AIM: To determine the attitudes and opinions of nurses and technicians regarding working conditions at the Department for Neurological Rehabilitation of the Special Hospital for Medical Rehabilitation in Krapinske Toplice.
STUDY DRAFT: Cross-sectional research.
SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Nurses from the Department of Neurological Rehabilitation of the Special Hospital for Medical Rehabilitation in Krapinske Toplice participated in the research, and it was conducted with an anonymous questionnaire. The same questionnaire was used for research whose results were published in the article "Job satisfaction and attitudes towards nursing care among nurses working at Mzuzu Central Hospital in Mzuzu, Malawi" and is available for free use. The STATISTICA 11.0 software package for Windows, version 14.0.1., Palo Alto, CA, TIBCO Software Inc; 2012 was used for statistical data processing.
RESULTS: 56 respondents between the ages of 18 and >55 were included in the research on job satisfaction. As for satisfaction with professional opportunities, respondents are the least satisfied with the possibility of membership in departments and institutional committees (2.3±0.8), and the most satisfied with opportunities to interact with the faculty of the College of Nursing (3.3±1.2). When examining respondents' satisfaction with the work schedule, the lowest level of satisfaction is characterized by the lack of flexibility in the schedule (2.8±0.8), and the highest by the fact that the employer pays compensation for working at weekends (3.9±1.0). The average rating of job satisfaction (the average value of the ratings of all 56 respondents on 22 questions) was 2.9±0.5 out of 5.
CONCLUSION: Regression analysis confirmed that length of service is the only predictor variable with a statistically significant impact on overall job satisfaction, which is in line with the results of basic statistics. |