Sažetak | CILJ ISTRAŽIVANJA: Ispitati razinu profesionalnog stresa na radnim mjestima medicinskih
sestara/tehničara – studenata Diplomskog sveučilišnog studija Sestrinstva, dislociranog u Svetoj
USTROJ STUDIJE: Provedeno je presječno istraživanje.
METODE: Ispitanike je činilo 98 zaposlenih medicinskih sestara/tehničara - studenata
Sveučilišnog diplomskog studija Sestrinstva, Fakulteta za dentalnu medicinu i zdravstvo Osijek,
dislociranog u Svetoj Nedelji.
REZULTATI: Među ispitanicima je bilo više žena (84,7 %), ispitanika starijih od 30 godina
života (68,4 %), u braku ili u vezi (77,5 %), na drugoj godini diplomskog studija (81,6 %), s
radnim mjestom u bolničkim ustanovama (73,5 %). Prosječna dob ispitanika bila je 36,16 ± 8,29
(aritmetička sredina ± standardna devijacija) godina.
Ispitanici su iskazali blagu do umjerenu razinu profesionalnog stresa. Prosječan zbroj bodova
Skale stresa u sestrinstvu iznosio je 2,57 ± 0,99. Najviša razina profesionalnog stresa bila je
iskazana na subskalama radno opterećenje i odluke koje se odnose na organizaciju rada, a
najniža razina na subskali seksualno uznemiravanje. Nije uočena statistički značajna povezanost
pojedinih subskala Skale stresa u sestrinstvu, kao ni prosječnog zbroja Skale stresa u sestrinstvu
s demografskim karakteristikama ispitanika, osim subskale seksualnog uznemiravanja s radnim
mjestom ispitanika. Značajno veći prosječni zbroj bodova bio je prisutan u ispitanika zaposlenih
izvan bolničkog sustava u usporedbi s ispitanicima zaposlenim u bolničkom sustavu.
ZAKLJUČAK: Prepoznavanje stresora i periodični treninzi mogu biti učinkoviti u prevenciji,
liječenju i smanjenju stresa medicinskih sestara/tehničara. Stres povećava depresiju i
anksioznost, smanjuje zadovoljstvo poslom, doprinosi lošijim međuljudskim odnosima, manjem
učinku i većoj vjerojatnosti profesionalnih pogrešaka. |
Sažetak (engleski) | AIMS: Research the level of professional stress in the workplaces of nurses / technicians -
students of the Graduate University Study of Nursing, dislocated in Sveta Nedelja.
TYPE OF STUDY: A cross-sectional survey was conducted.
METHODS ISSUED: The respondents consisted of 98 employed nurses / technicians - students
of the University Graduate Study of Nursing, Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health Osijek,
located in Sveta Nedelja.
RESULTS: The majority of respondents were women (84,7 %), respondents in the age group of
over 30 years of age (68,4 %), married or in a relationship (77,5 %), in the second year of
graduate study (81,6 %), with jobs in hospitals (73,5 %). The average age of the subjects was
36,16 ± 8,29 years (arithmetic mean ± standard deviation). Respondents reported mild to
moderate levels of occupational stress. The average score of the Nursing Stress Scale was 2,57 ±
0,99. The highest level of occupational stress was expressed on the workload subscales and
decisions related to work organization, and the lowest level on the sexual harassment subscale.
The most common cause of occupational stress related to workload was a lack of staff to
adequately cover the department and too many administrative and other tasks not related to the
work of nurses and technicians. There was no statistically significant correlation between
individual subscales of the Nursing Stress Scale or the average sum of the Nursing Stress Scale
with the demographic characteristics of the respondents, except for the correlation of the sexual
harassment subscale with the respondents' workplace. A significantly higher average sum of
points was present in respondents employed outside the hospital system (2,04 ± 1,12) compared
to the average sum of points (1,47 ± 0,81) in respondents employed in the hospital system.
CONCLUSION: Stress recognition and periodic training can be effective in preventing, treating,
and reducing the stress of nurses / technicians. Stress increases depression and anxiety, reduces
job satisfaction, contributes to poorer interpersonal relationships and lower productivity and is
more likely to lead to professional mistakes. |