Sažetak | Cilj istraživanja: Cilj istraživanja je ispitati mišljenje 1. i 2. godine diplomskog sveučilišnog studija Sestrinstva o osobama oboljelima od mentalnih poremećaja, pritom također ispitati, postoje li predrasude te postoje li razlike u mišljenju s obzirom na spol, dob i radni staž ispitanika.
Nacrt studije: Presječna studija
Ispitanici i metode: Istraživanje provedeno do lipnja 2023. godine obuhvatilo je 92 studenta diplomskog studija Sestrinstvo, Fakulteta za dentalnu medicinu i zdravstvo. Istraživanje je bilo dobrovoljno i anonimno, a provedeno je putem upitnika koji je vlastito strukturiran za potrebe ovog istraživanja te distribuiran online komunikacijskim kanalima putem Google Formsa. Za analizu podataka korišten je statistički program MedCalc® Statistical Software version 20.218 i SPSS ver. 23.
Rezultati: U istraživanju su sudjelovale većinom žene (71,7 %) u dobi od 26 do 31 godinu (43,5 %), većina ispitanika ima završenu srednju medicinsku školu (91,3 %) te je u radnom odnosu. S osobama oboljelim od mentalnih poremećaja susrela su se 83 (90,2 %) ispitanika, od kojih su značajnije više žene u odnosu na muškarce (2 test, P = 0,007). Da se u medijima ne govori realno o mentalnim poremećajima slaže se 65,2 % ispitanika, značajnije više žene u odnosu na muškarce (2 test, P = 0,03). 28,3 % ispitanika zna da je u svijetu razvijen i prihvaćen antistigma program, značajnije više muškarci u odnosu na žene (34,6 % vs. 25,8 %). Ispitanici s više godina radnog staža bitno su se češće susreli s oboljelim od mentalnih poremećaja u odnosu na ispitanike s manje godina radnog staža (Fisherov egzaktni test, P < 0,001).
Zaključak: Predrasude prema osobama oboljelim od mentalnih poremećaja su među studentima Sestrinstva zastupljene minimalno, a povezane su s nedostatkom znanja i iskustva. S obzirom na spol i radni staž nema značajne razlike među mišljenjima studenata, dok s obzirom na dob ispitanika postoji značajna razlika kod ispitanika mlađih od 25 godina koji verbaliziraju strah i nelagodu u kontaktu s osobama oboljelim od mentalnih poremećaja. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Objectives: The aim of the research is to examine the opinion of the 1st and 2nd year graduate university studies in Nursing about people suffering from mental disorders. At the same time, examine whether there are prejudices and whether there are differences in opinion with regard to the gender, age and work experience of the respondents.
Study Design: Cross-sectional study.
Participants and Methods: The research, conducted from June 2023, included 92 students of the graduate of Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health. The research was voluntary and anonymous, and was conducted through a questionnaire that was specially structured for the needs of this research and distributed through online communication channels via Google Forms. The statistical program MedCalc® Statistical Software version 20.218 and SPSS ver. 23
Results: Most of the participants in the research were women (71.7%) between the ages of 26 and 31 (43.5%), most of the respondents had completed secondary medical school (91.3%) and were employed. 83 (90.2%) respondents met with people suffering from mental disorders, significantly more women compared to men (2 test, P = 0.007). 65.2% of respondents agree that the media does not talk realistically about mental disorders, significantly more women compared to men (2 test, P = 0.03). 28.3% of respondents know that an anti-stigma program has been developed and accepted in the world, significantly more men than women (34.6% vs. 25.8%). Respondents with more years of work experience significantly more often encountered patients with mental disorders compared to respondents with fewer years of work experience (Fisher's exact test, P < 0.001).
Conclusion: Prejudices towards people suffering from mental disorders are minimally represented among nursing students, and are associated with a lack of knowledge and experience. With regard to gender and work experience, there is no significant difference between the opinions of students, while with regard to the age of the respondents, there is a significant difference in the respondents under 25 years of age who verbalize fear and discomfort in contact with people suffering from mental disorders. |