pid type title authors mentors source_title published_date url doi isbn issn eissn medri:9411 "journal article" "Temporomandibular Internal Derangements Denote Activity of Axial Spondyloarthritis" "Laškarin, Ana-Marija; Špalj, Stjepan; Laškarin, Gordana; Ružić Baršić, Antonija; Grđan, Jasmina; Babarović, Emina; Kehler, Tatjana; Peršić, Viktor; Dulčić, Nikša" fdmz:660 thesis "Učinak ortodontske terapije na indeks tjelesne mase i prehrambene navike kod adolescenata" "Sunara, Lovre" fdmri:333 "journal article" "Comparison of smoking conventional cigarettes and using heated tobacco products on the olfactory and gustatory function in healthy young adults: A cross-sectional study" "Sever, Ella; Kovačević Pavičić, Daniela; Pupovac, Aleksandar; Saltović, Ema; Špalj, Stjepan; Glažar, Irena" fdmri:322 "journal article" "Supragingival dental biofilm profile and biofilm control during orthodontic treatment with fixed orthodontic appliance: A randomized controlled trial" "Zibar Belašić, Tihana; Badnjević, Matea; Žigante, Martina; Mohar Vitezić, Bojana; Špalj, Stjepan; Markova-Car, Elitza Petkova" fdmri:337 "journal article" "Clinical characteristics and caries risk assessment of tobacco heating systems smokers, cigarette smokers and non-smokers: a cross-sectional study" "Božac, Elvis; Paljević, Ema; Sever, Ella; Braut, Alen; Špalj, Stjepan; Peršić Bukmir, Romana" fdmri:338 "journal article" "Does Exposure to Burning and Heated Tobacco Affect the Abundance of Perio-Pathogenic Species in the Subgingival Biofilm?" "Mišković, Ivana; Kuiš, Davor; Špalj, Stjepan; Pupovac, Aleksandar; Mohar-Vitezić, Bojana; Prpić, Jelena" fdmri:330 "journal article" "Effect of Chlorhexidine Digluconate on Oral Bacteria Adhesion to Surfaces of Orthodontic Appliance Alloys" "Gergeta, Doria; Badnjević, Matea; Karleuša, Ljerka; Maglica, Željka; Špalj, Stjepan; Gobin, Ivana" fdmri:331 "journal article" "Comparison of efficacy of thermoplastic retainer with round and rectangular bonded lingual wire retainer in the mandible two years after orthodontic treatment: a randomised controlled trial" "Kanižaj Ugrin, Silvija; Špalj, Stjepan" fdmri:275 "journal article" "Periodontal Health Status in Adults Exposed to Tobacco Heating System Aerosol and Cigarette Smoke vs. Non-Smokers: A Cross-Sectional Study" "Mišković, Ivana; Kuiš, Davor; Špalj, Stjepan; Pupovac, Aleksandar; Prpić, Jelena" fdmri:300 thesis "Digitalno određivanje boje zuba" "Doknjaš, Josipa" fdmri:292 thesis "Dude varalice - utjecaj na oralno zdravlje" "Pauletić, Kijara" suvag:444 "book chapter" "Malokluzije i izgovor glasova" "Kolundžić, Zdravko; Pavičić Dokoza, Katarina" fdmri:320 book "OrthoRi 10:50 :Monografija povodom 10 godina Katedre za ortodonciju na Sveučilištu u Rijeci i 50 godina specijalističke ortodontske skrbi na riječkoj regij" "Badnjević, Matea; Brumini, Martina; Mady Maričić, Barbara; Pavlić, Andrej; Perković, Vjera; Špalj, Stjepan; Trinajstić Zrinski, Magda; Uhač, Mia; Žigante, Martina" fdmri:317 "educational content" "Temporomandibuilarni poremećaji i orofacijalna bol" "Špalj, Stjepan" fdmri:158 "journal article" "Pandemic Financial Stress in Dental Medicine in Croatia" "Orlić, Edi; Špalj, Stjepan; Ivančić Jokić, Nataša; Bakarčić, Danko; Cicvarić, Odri; Gržić, Renata" medri:8457 dissertation "KOROZIJA NIKAL-TITANIJSKIH SLITINA TIJEKOM ORTODONTSKE TERAPIJE: UTJECAJ INTRAORALNOG OKOLIŠA NA DENTALNI BIOFILM I ORTODONTSKU BIOMEHANIKU" "Zibar Belašić, Tihana" fdmri:47 "journal article" "Satisfaction with smile appearance mediates oral health-related quality of life in adolescents regardless of orthodontic treatment need – a cross-sectional study" "Brumini, Martina; Trinajstić Zrinski, Magda; Katić, Visnja; Perković, Vjera; Žigante, Martina; Špalj, Stjepan" fdmri:230 dataset "Okolišni čimbenici i mikrobiološke interakcije u strukturi dentalnog biofilma: istraživački podaci" "Špalj, Stjepan" medri:7740 "journal article" "Temporal dynamics of adhesion of oral bacteria to orthodontic appliances" "Radović, Renea; Begić, Gabrijela; Blagojević Lučić, Sanja; Karleuša, Ljerka; Špalj, Stjepan; Gobin, Ivana" fdmri:203 thesis "Opstruktivna apneja u spavanju i naprave za mezijalizaciju mandibule" "Mikac, Elis" fdmri:217 thesis "Trodimenzionalna morfologija lica i čeljusti" "Širola, Margareta" fdmri:195 thesis "ULOGA ZUBA U FONACIJI" "Vidas, Ivana" fdmri:267 "journal article" "Retention using braided bonded wires: a 2-year follow-up of the dentition and oral hygiene with predictors of relapse" "Ugrin, Silvija Kanižaj; Dzipunova, Biljana; Špalj, Stjepan" fdmri:323 "journal article" "Effect of use of antiseptics and fluorides during orthodontic treatment on working properties of NiTi archwires in levelling dental arches" "Zibar Belašić, Tihana; Žigante, Martina; Uhač, Mia; Karlović, Sven; Badovinac, Ivana Jelovica; Špalj, Stjepan" fdmri:271 "journal article" "Effect of use of antiseptics and fluorides during orthodontic treatment on working properties of NiTi archwires in levelling dental arches" "Zibar Belašic, Tihana; Žigante, Martina; Uhač, Mia; Karlović, Sven; Badovinac, Ivana Jelovica; Špalj, Stjepan" sfzg:1433 dissertation "Uloga obitelji u ortodontskoj terapiji mlađih adolescenata" "Uhač, Mia" fdmri:268 "journal article" "Comparison of salivary sodium and potassium concentrations measured by handheld ion‐selective electrode meters and an automated biochemical analyser" "Vuletić, Lea; Lapić, Ivana; Špalj, Stjepan; Banek, Iva Marolt; Jakovac, Domagoj; Šipkar, Jasmina; Rogić, Dunja" fdmri:188 "journal article" "The Central Role of the NAD+ Molecule in the Development of Aging and the Prevention of Chronic Age-Related Diseases: Strategies for NAD+ Modulation" "Poljšak, Borut; Kovač, Vito; Špalj, Stjepan; Milisav, Irina" fdmri:237 thesis "Eagleov sindrom / Sindrom stiloidnog nastavka" "Glavina, Fran" fdmri:6 "journal article" "Effect of personality traits on the association between clinically assessed malocclusion and the psychosocial impact of dental aesthetics" "Trinajstić Zrinski, Magda; Pavlić, Andrej; Katić, Višnja; Špalj, Stjepan" medri:7218 "journal article" "Immunohistochemical and Histopathological Features of Persistent Gingival Enlargement in Relation to Metal Allergic Sensitisation during Orthodontic Treatment" "Žigante, Martina; Špalj, Stjepan; Prpić, Jelena; Pavlić, Andrej; Katić, Višnja; Matušan Ilijaš, Koviljka" fdmri:254 thesis "LOKALNA ANESTEZIJA U RIZIČNIH BOLESNIKA" "Matoc, Tina" fdmri:226 "other document type" "Okolišni čimbenici i mikrobiološke interakcije u strukturi dentalnog biofilma: plan upravljanja istraživačkim podacima" "Špalj, Stjepan" fdmri:198 thesis "PROMICANJE ORALNOG ZDRAVLJA – USPOREDBA PRISTUPA POJEDINCU, OBITELJI I ZAJEDNICI" "Krga, Anja" fdmri:202 "journal article" "Temporal dynamics of adhesion of oral bacteria to orthodontic appliances" "Radović, Renea; Begić, Gabrijela; Blagojević Lučić, Sanja; Karleuša, Ljerka; Špalj, Stjepan; Gobin, Ivana" fdmri:253 thesis "ZNAČAJ HORIZONTALNE I VERTIKALNE DIMENZIJE U STOMATOLOŠKOJ PROTETICI" "Rako, Lucija" fdmri:177 "other document type" "„Okolišni čimbenici i mikrobiološke interakcije u strukturi dentalnog biofilma“ (IP-2020-02-4027)" "Špalj, Stjepan; Badnjević, Matea" fdmri:61 "journal article" "Immunohistochemical and histopathological features of persistent gingival enlargement in relation to metal allergic sensitization during orthodontic treatment" "Žigante, Martina; Špalj, Stjepan; Prpić, Jelena; Pavlić, Andrej; Katić, Visnja; Matušan Ilijaš, Koviljka" fdmz:424 thesis "Pouzdanost mjera ishoda o kojima izvještavaju ortodontski pacijenti" "Pavlović, Sara" fdmri:325 "journal article" "Impacts of childhood malocclusion on the family" "Pipović, Jelena; Uhač, Mia; Perković, Vjera; Žigante, Martina; Stefanović, Neda; Špalj, Stjepan" fdmz:400 thesis "Struktura utjecaja malokluzije kod adolescenata" "Jurgec, Matea" sfzg:1105 dissertation "Pojavnost čimbenika razvoja temporomandibularnih disfunkcija kod adolescenata s dubokim zagrizom malokluzije kl.II/1 i kl.II/2" "Kevilj Gospić, Renata" fdmri:24 "journal article" "The effect of nickel ions on the susceptibility of bacteria to ciprofloxacin and ampicillin" "Pavlić, Andrej; Gobin, Ivana; Begić, Gabrijela; Tota, Marin; Abram, Maja; Špalj, Stjepan" medri:6218 "journal article" "The effect of nickel ions on the susceptibility of bacteria to ciprofloxacin and ampicillin" "Pavlić, Andrej; Gobin, Ivana; Begić, Gabrijela; Tota, Marin; Abram, Maja; Špalj, Stjepan" fdmri:97 thesis "BIOLOŠKI UČINAK ORTODONTSKIH NAPRAVA" "Huskić, Sara" fdmri:51 "journal article" "Clinical predictors of metal allergic sensitization in orthodontic patients" "Žigante, Martina; Špalj, Stjepan" fdmri:41 "journal article" "Influence of personality traits on a patient's decision to accept orthognathic surgery for correction of dentofacial deformity" "Vidaković, Renata; Žigante, Martina; Perković, Vjera; Špalj, Stjepan" fdmri:21 "journal article" "Orthodontic treatment demand in young adolescents – are parents familiar with their children's desires and reasons?" "Uhač, Mia; Zibar Belašić, Tihana; Perković, Vjera; Matijević, Marko; Špalj, Stjepan" medri:6610 thesis "RAZINA ZADOVOLJSTVA PACIJENATA KIRURŠKIM ZAHVATOM NAKON ORTOGNATSKE KIRURGIJE" "Radovan, Teo" fdmri:128 thesis "TEHNIKE UZIMANJA AUTOLOGNIH MEKOTKIVNIH TRANSPLANTATA U DENTALNOJ MEDICINI" "Sabolić, Karla" fdmri:116 thesis "TEMPOROMANDIBULARNI POREMEĆAJI I GLAVOBOLJE" "Škaljac, Mia" fdmri:118 thesis "UTJECAJ INFEKCIJE SARS-CoV-2 VIRUSOM NA DJELATNOST DENTALNE MEDICINE U REPULICI HRVATSKOJ 2020. GODINE" "Orlić, Edi" fdmri:77 "journal article" "Presence and Maturation Dynamics of Mandibular Third Molars and Their Influence on Late Mandibular Incisor Crowding: A Longitudinal Study" "Žigante, Martina; Pavlić, Andrej; Morelato, Luka; Vandevska-Radunovic, Vaska; Špalj, Stjepan" medri:6221 "journal article" "Bacterial Exposure to Nickel: Influence on Adhesion and Biofilm Formation on Orthodontic Archwires and Sensitivity to Antimicrobial Agents" "Pavlić, Andrej; Begić, Gabrijela; Tota, Marin; Abram, Maja; Špalj, Stjepan; Gobin, Ivana" fdmri:52 "journal article" "Bacterial Exposure to Nickel: Influence on Adhesion and Biofilm Formation on Orthodontic Archwires and Sensitivity to Antimicrobial Agents" "Pavlić, Andrej; Begić, Gabrijela; Tota, Marin; Abram, Maja; Špalj, Stjepan; Gobin, Ivana" fdmri:104 thesis "BIOFILM I ORTODONTSKE NAPRAVE" "Radović, Renea" fdmri:112 thesis "KLORHEKSIDIN U KONTROLI BIOFILMA U ORTODONCIJI" "Gergeta, Doria" fdmri:4 "journal article" "Facial aesthetic concern is a powerful predictor of patients' decision to accept orthognathic surgery" "Perković, Vjera; Pavlić, Andrej; Trinajstić Zrinski, Magda; Katić, Višnja; Žigante, Martina; Špalj, Stjepan" sfzg:907 dissertation "Uloga psiholoških čimbenika i fizikalne terapije u liječenju pacijenata s kroničnom mialgijom žvačnih mišića" "Fetai, Afrim" sfzg:2433 "other document type" "Dijagnostički kriteriji za temporomandibularne poremećaje: Instrumenti procjene" medri:5184 "journal article" "Corrosion of Dental Alloys Used for Mini Implants in Simulated Oral Environment" "Otmačić Ćurkovic, Helena; Ivanko, Marina; Pop Acev, Darko; Kamenar, Ervin; Jelovica Badovinac, Ivana; Špalj, Stjepan" fdmri:54 "journal article" "Corrosion of Dental Alloys Used for Mini Implants in Simulated Oral Environment" "Otmačić Ćurković, Helena; Ivanko, Marina; Pop Acev, Darko; Kamenar, Ervin; Jelovica Badovinac, Ivana; Špalj, Stjepan" fdmri:80 "journal article" "Craniofacial Growth in Adolescence and its Influence on the Mandibular Incisor Crowding" "Miloš, Danira; Pavlić, Andrej; Vandevska-Radunović, Vaska; Žigante, Martina; Matthewson, Alana; Špalj, Stjepan" fdmri:83 "journal article" "Dentofacial deformity and orthognatic surgery: Influence on self-esteem and aspects of quality of life" "Belušić Gobić, Margita; Kralj, Martin; Harmicar, David; Cerović, Robert; Mady Maričić, Barbara; Špalj, Stjepan" medri:7385 "journal article" "Dentofacial deformity and orthognatic surgery: Influence on self-esteem and aspects of quality of life" "Belušić Gobić, Margita; Kralj, Martin; Harmicar, David; Cerović, Robert; Mady Maričić, Barbara; Špalj, Stjepan" fdmri:81 "journal article" "Influence of intraoral application of antiseptics and fluorides during orthodontic treatment on corrosion and mechanical characteristics of nickel-titanium alloy in orthodontic appliances" "Zibar Belašić, Tihana; Pejova, Biljana; Otmačić Ćurković, Helena; Kamenar, Ervin; Četenović, Bojana; Špalj, Stjepan" medri:6627 dissertation "Kvaliteta života osoba s dentofacijalnim deformitetima" "Vidaković, Renata" fdmri:148 "journal article" "Orthognatic Quality of Life: What are we measuring? Validation in Croatia" "Vidaković, Renata; Žigante, Martina; Perković, Vjera; Zibar Belašić, Tihana; Uhač, Mia; Špalj, Stjepan" fdmri:147 "journal article" "Perfectionism, self-esteem and body image related to self-perception of orofacial appearance – development and validation of psychometric instrument" "Saltović, Ema; Kovačević Pavičić, Daniela; Pavlić, Andrej; Debeljak, Vlatka; Zulijani, Ana; Špalj, Stjepan" fdmri:82 "journal article" "Predictors of patient compliance during Class II division 1 malocclusion functional orthodontic treatment" "Stefanović, Neda; Uhač, Mia; Brumini, Martina; Žigante, Martina; Perković, Vjera; Špalj, Stjepan" medri:7575 "journal article" "Risk Assessment of Oxidative Stress Induced by Metal Ions Released from Fixed Orthodontic Appliances during Treatment and Indications for Supportive Antioxidant Therapy: A Narrative Review" "Primožič, Jasmina; Poljšak, Borut; Jamnik, Polona; Kovač, Vito; Čanadi Jurešić, Gordana; Špalj, Stjepan" fdmri:144 "journal article" "Risk Assessment of Oxidative Stress Induced by Metal Ions Released from Fixed Orthodontic Appliances during Treatment and Indications for Supportive Antioxidant Therapy: A Narrative Review" "Primožič, Jasmina; Poljšak, Borut; Jamnik, Polona; Kovač, Vito; Čanadi Jurešić, Gordana; Špalj, Stjepan" fdmri:37 "journal article" "To what extent are the characteristics of painful temporomandibular disorders predictors of self-reported limitations in jaw function?" "Fetai, Afrim; Dedić, Barbara; Lajnert, Vlatka; Špalj, Stjepan" medri:3957 thesis "PRIMJENA SREDSTAVA ZA REMINERALIZACIJU CAKLINE TIJEKOM ORTODONTSKE TERAPIJE" "Žefran, Ana" medri:3956 thesis "KEMIJSKA KONTROLA PLAKA" "Pejić, Anđelka" medri:3958 thesis "UTJECAJ ORTODONTSKE TERAPIJE NA FIZIOLOŠKU MIKROFLORU" "Janeš, Ira" medri:3917 thesis "UTJECAJ PUŠENJA NA PARODONTNE I PERIIMPLANTNE BOLESTI" "Muzica, Jelena" medri:3919 thesis "ORTODONCIJA ODRASLIH, DA ILI NE ?" "Borčić, Emilija" medri:3925 thesis "PREVENCIJA MUSKULOSKELETNIH OBOLJENJA DOKTORA DENTALNE MEDICINE" "Orbanić, Valentina" medri:3875 thesis "RETROSPEKTIVNA ANALIZA DENTOFACIJALNIH DEFORMITETA UPOTREBOM INDEKSA POTREBE ZA ORTOGNATSKO FUNKCIJSKOM TERAPIJOM" "Maršanić, Dora" medri:3901 thesis "ZNAČAJ TEMPOROMANDIBUALRNOG POREMEĆAJA U BOLESNIKA S REUMATOIDNIM ARTRITISOM" "Laškarin, Ana-Marija" fdmri:5 "journal article" "Symptoms of titanium and nickel allergic sensitization in orthodontic treatment" "Žigante, Martina; Rinčić Mlinarić, Marijana; Kaštelan, Marija; Perković, Vjera; Trinajstić Zrinski, Magda; Špalj, Stjepan" sfzg:704 dissertation "Utjecaj hipodoncije na izgled profila lica - kefalometrijska analiza" "Nikolov Borić, Daša" fdmri:11 "journal article" "Smell and taste in titanium and nickel allergic sensitization in orthodontic patients" "Žigante, Martina; Peternel, Sandra; Muhvić Urek, Miranda; Rinčić Mlinaric, Marijana; Pop Acev, Darko; Špalj, Stjepan" fdmri:40 "journal article" "Influence of saliva on the results of global laboratory coagulation tests" "Špiljak, B; Šimunović, L; Lapić, I; Rogić, D; Špalj, Stjepan; Vuletić, L" sfzg:2470 "journal article" "Influence of saliva on the results of global laboratory coagulation tests" "Špiljak, B; Šimunović, L; Lapić, I; Rogić, D; Špalj, S; Vuletić, L" fdmri:19 "journal article" "Changes in mechanical properties of dental alloys induced by saliva and oral probiotic supplements" "Musa Trolic, I.; Turco, G.; Contardo, L.; Perissinotto, F.; Katić, Višnja.; Špalj, Stjepan" fdmri:17 "journal article" "Parental influence is the most important predictor of child’s orthodontic treatment demand in a preadolescent age" "Brumini, Martina; Šlaj, Martina; Katić, Višnja; Pavlić, Andrej; Trinajstić Zrinski, Magda; Špalj, Stjepan" medri:5106 "journal article" "Changes in quality of life induced by tooth whitening are not influenced by global self- esteem: a randomized double-blind placebo- controlled trial" "Kovacevic Pavicic, Daniela; Kolceg, Marija; Lajnert, Vlatka; Pavlic, Andrej; Spalj, Stjepan" fdmri:13 "journal article" "Changes in quality of life induced by tooth whitening are not influenced by global self-esteem: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial" "Kovačević Pavičić, Daniela; Kolčeg, Marija; Lajnert, Vlatka; Pavlić, Andrej; Špalj, Stjepan" medri:3858 dissertation "ODREDNICE ZAHTJEVA ZA ORTODONTSKIM LIJEČENJEM U RANOJ ADOLESCENCIJI" "Brumini, Martina" fdmri:46 "journal article" "Orthodontist Clinical Experience and Clinical Situation Significantly Influence the Retention Protocol – a Survey from Croatia" "Popović, Zoran; Trinajstić Zrinski, Magda; Špalj, Stjepan" medri:5580 "journal article" "Parental influence is the most important predictor of child’s orthodontic treatment demand in a preadolescent age" "Brumini, Martina; Šlaj, Martina; Katić, Višnja; Pavlić, Andrej; Trinajstić Zrinski, Magda; Špalj, Stjepan" fdmri:153 "journal article" "SPREMNOST STUDENATA ZAVRŠNE GODINE STUDIJA DENTALNE MEDICINE NA PRUŽANJE SKRBI PACIJENTIMA NA ANTITROMBOTSKOJ TERAPIJI" "ŠLJIVAC, VIŠNJA; CIKOJEVIĆ, ANTEA; ŠPALJ, STJEPAN; VULETIĆ, LEA" medri:6119 "journal article" "Smell and Taste in Titanium and Nickel Allergic Sensitization in Orthodontic Patients" "Žigante, Martina; Peternel, Sandra; Muhvić Urek, Miranda; Rinčić Mlinarić, Marijana; Pop Ačev, Darko; Špalj, Stjepan" medri:3946 "journal article" "Symptoms of titanium and nickel allergic sensitization in orthodontic treatment" "Žigante, Martina; Rinčić Mlinaric, Marijana; Kaštelan, Marija; Perković, Vjera; Trinajstić Zrinski, Magda; Špalj, Stjepan" fdmri:64 "journal article" "Utjecaj vizualnih podražaja iz medija na percepciju dentofacijalne estetike" "Laus, Iva; Kovačević Pavičić, Daniela; Brumini, Martina; Perković, Vjera; Pavlić, Andrej; Špalj, Stjepan" medri:3306 dissertation "UTJECAJ NIKLA KAO PRODUKTA KOROZIJE NIKAL-TITANIJSKE LEGURE DENTALNIH MATERIJALA NA KOMENZALNE BAKTERIJE LJUDSKOG ORGANIZMA" "Pavlić, Andrej" sfzg:651 dissertation "Mikrobiološki poticana korozija: probiotici i ortodontske naprave" "Musa Trolić, Ines" sfzg:611 dissertation "Procjena odnosa proporcije frontalnih zubi i oblika zubnoga luka kod malokluzija klase I, II, III" "Kranjčević Bubica, Anita" medri:2982 "journal article" "Socio‐economic and health status as a predictor of apical periodontitis in adult patients in Croatia" "Peršić Bukmir, Romana; Vidas, Jelena; Mance, Diana; Pezelj‐Ribarić, Sonja; Špalj, Stjepan; Brekalo Pršo, Ivana" medri:3127 thesis "STANDARDIZIRANI KRITERIJI ZA TEMPOROMANDIBULARNE POREMEĆAJE" "Dedić, Barbara" medri:5109 "journal article" "Changes of mandibular dental arch shape during adolescence and its influence on late mandibular incisor crowding" "Žigante, Martina; Pavlić, Andrej; Vandevska Radunović, Vaska; Mathewson, Alana; Kotarac Knežević, Ana; Špalj, Stjepan" medri:5192 "journal article" "Corrosion of orthodontic archwires in artificial saliva in the presence of Lactobacillus reuteri" "Musa Trolić, Ines; Serdarević, Nikolina Leona; Todorić, Zrinka; Budimir, Ana; Špalj, Stjepan; Otmačić Ćurkovic, Helena" medri:5217 "journal article" "Cytotoxicity and oxidative stress induced by nickel and titanium ions from dental alloys on cells of gastrointestinal tract" "Rinčic Mlinarić, Marijana; Durgo, Ksenija; Katić, Višnja; Špalj, Stjepan" medri:5247 "journal article" "Do Chlorhexidine and Probiotics Solutions Provoke Corrosion of Orthodontic Mini-implants? An In Vitro Study" "Pavlić, Andrej; Perissinotto, Fabio; Turco, Gianluca; Contardo, Luca; Špalj, Stjepan" medri:5280 "journal article" "Effects of the presence of probiotic bacteria in the aging medium on the surface roughness and chemical composition of two dental alloys" "Musa Trolić, Ines; Todorić, Zrinka; Pop Acev, Darko; Makreski, Petre; Pejova, Biljana; Špalj, Stjepan" medri:5379 "journal article" "FLOW CHANGES IN ORBITAL VESSELS DETECTED WITH COLOR DOPPLER ULTRASOUND IN PATIENTS WITH EARLY DYSTHYROID OPTIC NEUROPATHY" "Trinajstić Zrinski, Magda; Miljanić, Snežana; Peroš, Kristina; Turco, Gianluca; Contardo, Luca; Špalj, Stjepan" medri:5246 "journal article" "Kraniofacijalni rast" "Štimac, Danira; Žigante, Martina; Pavlić, Andrej; Špalj, Stjepan" medri:5567 "journal article" "Oral antiseptics and nickel–titanium alloys: mechanical and chemical effects of interaction" "Rinčić Mlinarić, Marijana; Karlović, Sven; Ciganj, Zlatko; Acev, Darko Pop; Pavlić, Andrej; Špalj, Stjepan" medri:5845 "journal article" "The rise in glucose concentration in saliva samples mixed with test foods monitored using a glucometer: An observational pilot study" "Vuletić, Lea; Špalj, Stjepan; Rogić, Dunja; Peroš, Kristina" medri:5866 "journal article" "Tooth color as a predictor of oral health-related quality of life in young adults" "Kovačević Pavičić, Daniela; Pavlić, Andrej; Kinkela Devčić, Maja; Lajnert, Vlatka; Špalj, Stjepan" medri:2935 "journal article" "Upitnik za procjenu percepcije djece u Hrvatskoj: dvije domene za mjerenje oralnoga zdravlja" "Pop Acev, Darko; Brumini, Martina; Šlaj, Martina; Katić, Višnja; Špalj, Stjepan" medri:2280 "journal article" "Dužinski prediktori rotacijskog obrasca rasta lica na hrvatskoj populaciji s anomalijom skeletne klase III" "Radalj Miličić, Zorica; Kranjčević Bubica, Anita; Nikolov Borić, Daša; Špalj, Stjepan; Meštrović, Senka" medri:2313 thesis "Stabilnost boje zuba nakon izbjeljivanja i percepcija pacijenta" "Kos, Milan" medri:2563 thesis "KVALITETA ŽIVOTA PACIJENATA NAKON ORTOGNATSKE KIRURGIJE" "Kralj, Martin" medri:2324 thesis "DIGITALNO VOĐENI POMAK ZUBA" "Uhač, Mia" medri:2169 "journal article" "Učestalost karijesa u pacijenata upućenih na ortodontski pregled" "Tadić, Kristian; Katić, Višnja; Špalj, Stjepan" sfzg:441 dissertation "Analiza dimenzija zubnih lukova i dento-dentalnoga nesrazmjera" "Škrinjarić, Ana" medri:2071 "journal article" "Corrosion Behavior of Coated and Uncoated Nickel-Titanium Orthodontic Wires in Artificial Saliva with Short-term Prophylactic Fluoride Treatment" "Katić, Višnja; Ivanković Buljan, Zorana; Špalj, Stjepan; Otmačić Ćurković, Helena" medri:2342 "journal article" "CORRELATION BETWEEN THE DAI AND ICON INDICES USED FOR ASSESSMENT OF ORTHODONTIC TREATMENT NEED IN CROATIAN SCHOOLCHILDREN" "Vidaković, Renata; Špalj, Stjepan; Šlaj, Mladen; Šlaj, Martina; Katić, Višnja" medri:2221 "journal article" "CORROSION OF ORTHODONTIC BIOMATERIALS - EFFECT OF pH, FLUORIDE AND ACID CONCENTRATION FROM REMINERALIZATION AGENTS ON ELASTIC PROPERTIES OF ORTHODONTIC NICKEL-TITANIUM ARCH WIRES" "Špalj, Stjepan; Katić, Višnja; Rinčić Mlinarić, Marijana; Musa Trolić, Ines; Žurga, Paola; Bulog, Aleksandar" medri:5144 "journal article" "Caries experience in patients referred for an orthodontic consultation" "Tadić, Kristian; Katić, Višnja; Špalj, Stjepan" medri:5104 "journal article" "Changes in quality of life induced by tooth whitening are moderated by perfectionism: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial" "Kovačević Pavičić, Daniela; Kolčeg, Marija; Lajnert, Vlatka; Pavlić, Andrej; Brumini, Martina; Špalj, Stjepan" medri:5172 "journal article" "Comparison of shear bond strength of orthodontic brackets using direct and indirect bonding methods in vitro and in vivo" "Demirović, Kenan; Šlaj, Martina; Špalj, Stjepan; Šlaj, Mladen; Kobaslija, Sedin" medri:5200 "journal article" "Craniofacial Morphology of Subjects With Hypodontia– Effects Of Severity And Location" "Nikolov Boric, Daša; Kranjčević Bubica, Anita; Radalj Miličić, Zorica; Špalj, Stjepan; Meštrović, Senka" medri:5234 "journal article" "Development and validation of a new condition- specific instrument for evaluation of smile esthetics-related quality of life" "Saltović, Ema; Lajnert, Vlatka; Šaltovic, Sabina; Kovačević Pavičić, Daniela; Pavlić, Andrej; Špalj, Stjepan" medri:5260 "journal article" "Effect of oral antiseptics on the corrosion stability of nickel‐titanium orthodontic alloys" "Rinčić Mlinarić, Marijana; Kanižaj, Lidija; Žuljević, Damir; Katić, Višnja; Špalj, Stjepan; Otmačić Ćurković, Helena" medri:2785 dissertation "ISPITIVANJE STUPNJA KONVERZIJE I GENOTOKSIČNOSTI KONVENCIONALNIH I BIOAKTIVNIH ORTODONTSKIH ADHEZIVNIH SUSTAVA" "Trinajstić-Zrinski, Magda" medri:5481 "journal article" "Linear Predictors of Facial Rotation Pattern in Croatian Subjects with Skeletal Class III Malocclusion" "Radalj Miličić, Zorica; Bubica Kranjčević, Anita; Nikolov Borić, Daša; Špalj, Stjepan; Meštrović, Senka" medri:5482 "journal article" "Linear Predictors of Facial Rotation Pattern in Croatian Subjects with Skeletal Class III Malocclusion" "Radalj Miličić, Zorica; Bubica Kranjčević, Anita; Nikolov Borić, Daša; Špalj, Stjepan; Meštrović, Senka" medri:5713 "journal article" "Satisfaction with facial profile aesthetics: are norms overrated?" "Manevska, Iva; Pavlić, Andrej; Katić, Višnja; Trinajstić Zrinski, Magda; Drevenšek, Martina; Špalj, Stjepan" medri:5767 "journal article" "Smile Aesthetics Satisfaction Scale: Development and validation of a new brief five- item measure of satisfaction with smile aesthetics in adults and the elderly" "Lajnert, Vlatka; Kovačević Pavičić, Daniela; Pavlić, Andrej; Pokrajac-Bulian, Alessandra; Špalj, Stjepan" medri:5785 "journal article" "The coating of a NiTi alloy has a greater impact on the mechanical properties than the acidity of saliva" "Pop Acev, Darko; Katić, Višnja; Turco, Gianluca; Contardo, Luca; Špalj, Stjepan" medri:1891 "journal article" "Korozija nikal-titanijevih ortodontskih žičanih lukova u slini i oralnom probiotskom preparatu" "Musa Trolić, Ines; Turco, Gianluca; Contardo, Luca; Serdarević, Nikolina Leona; Otmačić Ćurković, Helena; Špalj, Stjepan" medri:1887 "journal article" "Changes of bite force and occlusal contacts in the retention phase of orthodontic treatment: A controlled clinical trial" "Varga, Suzana; Špalj, Stjepan; Anić Milošević, Sandra; Lapter Varga, Marina; Meštrović, Senka; Trinajstić Zrinski, Magda; Šlaj, Mladen" medri:1530 thesis "KRANIFACIJALNI RAZVOJ U ADOLESCENCIJI" "Štimac, Danira" medri:1535 thesis "RAZVOJ ZUBNIH LUKOVA U ADOLESCENCIJI" "Žigante, Martina" medri:1767 "journal article" "Učestalost, kontekst i karakteristike osmijeha koji se koristi u reklamiranju" "Lukež, Ana; Katić, Višnja; Lauš, Iva; Grbeša, Marijana; Špalj, Stjepan" medri:5080 "journal article" "A cross-sectional study of the influence of tooth color elements on satisfaction with smile esthetics" "Kovačević Pavičić, Daniela; Špalj, Stjepan; Uhač, Ivone; Lajnert, Vlatka" medri:5123 "journal article" "Assessing the influence of the English language on the professional vocabulary of Croatian dental students by analysing their word choice for the translation of medical/dental terms" "Vuletić, Lea; Špalj, Stjepan; Peroš, Kristina; Jakovac, Hrvoje; Ostroški Anić, Ana; Vodanović, Marin" medri:5168 "journal article" "Comparison of activator-headgear and Twin Block treatment approaches in class II division 1 malocclusion" "Špalj, Stjepan; Mroz Tranesen, Kate; Birkeland, Kari; Katić, Višnja; Pavlić, Andrej; Vandevska-Radunović, Vaska" medri:1895 "journal article" "Effect of pH, fluoride and hydrofluoric acid concentration on ion release from NiTi wires with various coatings." "Katić, Višnja; Ćurkovic, Lidija; Bošnjak, Magdalena Ujević; Peros, Kristina; Mandić, Davor; Špalj, Stjepan" medri:5428 "journal article" "Influence of manual screwdriver design in combination with and without predrilling on insertion torque of orthodontic mini-implants" "Katalinić, Andrej; Trinajstić Zrinski, Magda; Roksandić Vrančić, Zlatka; Špalj, Stjepan" medri:5495 "journal article" "Neoclassical canons of facial beauty: Do we see the deviations?" "Pavlić, Andrej; Trinajstić Zrinski, Magda; Katić, Višnja; Špalj, Stjepan" medri:1699 "journal article" "The Effect of Chewing a Sugar-Free Gum After Oatmeal on the Postprandial Glycaemia – A Cross-Over Study" "Vuletic, Lea; Klaic, Marija; Spalj, Stjepan; Peros, Kristina" medri:5799 "journal article" "The effect of chewing a sugar-free gum after oatmeal on the postprandial glycaemia – a cross-over study" "Vuletić, Lea; Klaić, Marija; Špalj, Stjepan; Peroš, Kristina" sfzg:1776 "journal article" "The effect of chewing a sugar-free gum after oatmeal on the postprandial glycaemia – a cross-over study" "Vuletić, Lea; Klaić, Marija; Špalj, Stjepan; Peroš, Kristina" medri:439 thesis "Oralno zdravlje u pacijenata upućenih ortodontu" "Tadić, Kristian" medri:5987 dissertation "UTJECAJ SREDSTAVA ZA REMINERALIZACIJU CAKLINE NA KOROZIJU ORTODONTSKIH NIKALTITANSKIH ŽIČANIH LUKOVA" "Katić, Višnja" medri:413 thesis "Kreiranje novog psihometrijskog instrumenta za procjenu dentofacijalne estetike" "Saltović, Ema" medri:5060 "journal article" "Biological predictors of mandibular asymmetries in children with mixed dentition." "Šop, Ivana; Mady Maričić, Barbara; Pavlić, Andrej; Legović, Mario; Špalj, Stjepan" medri:5297 "journal article" "Dental and Skeletal Relationships in Subjects with Class III Malocclusions" "Radalj Miličić, Zorica; Nikolov Borić, Daša; Kranjčević Bubica, Anita; Špalj, Stjepan; Meštrović, Senka" medri:5226 "journal article" "Dental and Skeletal Relationships in Subjects with Class III Malocclusions" "Radalj Miličić, Zorica; Nikolov Borić, Daša; Kranjčević Bubica, Anita; Spalj, Stjepan; Meštrović, Senka" medri:1667 "journal article" "History of Orthodontic Treatment, Treatment Needs and Influencing Factors in Adolescents in Croatia" "Špalj, Stjepan; Katić, Višnja; Vidaković, Renata; Šlaj, Martina; Šlaj, Mladen" sfzg:2513 "journal article" "History of Orthodontic Treatment, Treatment Needs and Influencing Factors in Adolescents in Croatia" "Špalj, Stjepan; Katić, Višnja; Vidaković, Renata; Šlaj, Martina; Šlaj, Mladen" medri:5431 "journal article" "Influence of tobacco smoking on dental periapical condition in a sample of Croatian adults" "Peršić Bukmir, Romana; Jurčević Grgić, Marija; Brumini, Gordana; Špalj, Stjepan; Pezelj- Ribarić, Sonja; Brekalo Pršo, Ivana" medri:5538 "journal article" "Mediation and moderation effect of the big five personality traits on the relationship between self-perceived malocclusion and psychosocial impact of dental esthetics" "Špalj, Stjepan; Novšak, Alenka; Bilobrk, Philipp; Katić, Višnja; Trinajstić Zrinski, Magda; Pavlić, Andrej" medri:724 "journal article" "Određivanje upalnih medijatora PGE2 i TXB2 iz gingivne sulkularne tekućine u pacijenata s kroničnim parodontitisom" "Brekalo Pršo, Ivana; Kuiš, Davor; Prpić, Jelena; Špalj, Stjepan; Pezelj-Ribarić, Sonja" medri:5568 "journal article" "Perception of facial profiles: influence of female sex hormones and personality traits" "Jović, Tatjana; Pavlić, Andrej; Varga, Suzana; Kovačević Pavičić, Daniela; Šlaj, Martina; Špalj, Stjepan" medri:707 "journal article" "Psihosocijalni utjecaj dentalne estetike u adolescenata u Hrvatskoj: validacija i pouzdanost psihometrijskog instrumenta" "Pavlić, Andrej; Roksandić Vrančić, Zlatka; Trinajstić Zrinski, Magda; Katić, Višnja; Špalj, Stjepan" medri:3029 "journal article" "Translation and validation of the Croatian version of the Oral Impacts on Daily Performances (OIDP) scale" "Lajnert, Vlatka; Gržić, Renata; Radica, Natasa; Šnjarić, Damir; Špalj, Stjepan" medri:592 thesis "Utjecaj vizualnih stimulusa na percepciju vlastite dentofacijalne estetike" "Lauš, Iva" medri:5898 "journal article" "Visual presentation of a medical physiology seminar modifies dental students' perception of its clinical significance" "Vuletić, Lea; Špalj, Stjepan; Peroš, Kristina" medri:1718 "journal article" "Analiza parametra translucencije staklokeramike izrađene različitim tehnološkim postupcima" "Ledić, Karla; Majnarić, Igor; MILARDOVIĆ ORTOLAN, Slađana; Špalj, Stjepan; Štefančić, Sanja; Mehulić, Ketij" medri:2805 book "Oralna epidemiologija" "Špalj, Stjepan" medri:390 thesis "Simetrije i asimetrije čeljusti" "Šop, Ivana" medri:1717 "journal article" "Oral Health-Related Risk Behaviours and Attitudes among Croatian Adolescents – Multiple Logistic Regression Analysis" "Špalj, Stjepan; Tudor Špalj, Vedrana; Ivanković, Luiđa; Plančak, Darije" medri:795 "journal article" "Ispitivanje svojstava materijala za uporabu u dentalnoj medicini" "Katić, Višnja; Špalj, Stjepan" medri:398 thesis "Kvaliteta života povezana s malokluzijama" "Gavrić, Anja" medri:265 thesis "MEDIJATIZACIJA DENTOFACIJALNE ESTETIKE" "Lukež, Ana" medri:379 thesis "Terapija TWIN block napravama" "Munjiza, Ruth" sfzg:2519 "journal article" "Effect of L-arginine dietary supplementation on salivary urea concentration and pH in physically active individuals" "Vuletic, L; Spalj, S; Rogic, D; Ruzic, L; Alajbeg, I" sfzg:2522 "journal article" "Health-related Quality of Life in Soldiers in Croatia: Relationship with Combat Readiness and Psychological Dimensions" "Perić, Davorka; Plančak, Darije; Bulj, Martina; Tudor, Vedrana; Špalj, Stjepan" medri:1719 "journal article" "Periodontal Disease Increases Risk for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease" "Ledić, Karla; Marinković, Sonja; Puhar, Ivan; Špalj, Stjepan; Popović-Grle, Sanja; Ivić-Kardum, Marija; Samardžija, Miroslav; Plenčak, Darije" sfzg:225 dissertation "Kraniofacijalna obilježja osoba s opstruktivnom apnejom u spavanju" "Vidović, Neven" medri:286 thesis "Ortodontska retencijska terapija" "Popović, Zoran" medri:294 thesis "Rana ortodontska terapija malokluzija progenijskog kompleksa" "Brumini, Martina" medri:325 thesis "Kirurško ortodontski pristup liječenju impaktiranih očnjaka" "Klinčić, Tomica" medri:330 thesis "Stabilnost ortodontskih miniimplantata" "Novšak, Domen" medri:1057 "journal article" "Dijagnostika i terapija kod impakcije gornjeg očnjaka" "Katalinić, Andrej; Mady Maričić, Barbara; Špalj, Stjepan; Ivančić Jokić, Nataša; Bakarčić, Danko; Hrvatin, Sandra" medri:1043 "journal article" "Oblikovanje i validacija upitnika kojim se mjeri stav studenata prema e-učenju" "Brumini, Gordana; Mavrinac, Martina; Brumini, Martina; Špalj, Stjepan; Blagović, Branka" medri:2804 book "Ortodontski priručnik" "Špalj, Stjepan" medri:333 thesis "Spolne razlike u poimanju estetike lica" "Tole, Nikoleta" svkri:3536 dissertation "Konvencionalne i samoligirajuće ortodontske bravice kao izvor oksidacijskog stresa in vitro" "Ivanković Buljan, Zorana" medri:407 thesis "Genotoksičnost ortodontskih materijala" "Mlacović Zrinski, Magda" medri:356 thesis "Percepcija profila lica u ovisnosti o ženskim spolnim hormonima" "Jović, Tatjana" medri:889 "journal article" "Williams, J. R. Priručnik stomatološke etike." "Špalj, Stjepan" medri:1759 "journal article" "The Distribution of Periodontal Disease and Loss of Attachment in Jaw Sextants in Different Age Groups – Cross–Sectional Study" "Špalj, Stjepan; Plančak, Darije"