Abstract | Uvod: Popuštanje svodova stopala i slabljenje mišića dovodi do spuštenog stopala. Osnovna
podjela spuštenog stopala je na urođeno i stečeno spušteno stopalo. Veća je vjerovatnost da je
spušteno stopalo stečeno tijekom razvoja. Prema stupanju spuštenosti stopala razlikujemo: pes
planus, pes planovalgus i pes valgus. Postoje razni uzroci spuštenog stopala, a najčešće su to
neprikladna obuća, zanimanje i genetski faktor.
Postupci: Za izradu rada korišteni su podaci prikupljeni pretraživanjem online elektroničkih
baza podataka scribd, stručne knjige iz područja medicine te ugledni časopis Fizioinfo u
razdoblju od 2016. do 2021.godine. Pretraga je provedena na hrvatskom i na engleskom jeziku.
Na temelju pretraživanja pronađeno je ukupno 40 radova na zadanu temu, a pregledom svih
radova, njih 15 uključeno je u ovaj rad.
Prikaz teme: Fizioterapija ima veliku ulogu u liječenju brojnih deformiteta pa tako u liječenju
spuštenog stopala. Najbolji je oblik liječenja spušenog stopala kinezioterapija uz primjenu
ostalih oblika, poput ortopedskih uložaka, kinesio traka te elektrostimulacije. Ortopedski ulošci
pokazali su se kao najbolje sredstvo koje omogućuje rasterećenje stopala. Uz liječenje, vrlo je
važna i prevencija te rana dijagnostika koja će omogućiti bolje rezultate.
Zaključak: Potrebno je na vrijeme se posvetiti problemima koji nastaju kao posljedica
spuštenog stopala. Zajednička posvećenost fizioterapeuta i pacijenta prema zadanom cilju
dovest će do najboljeg učinka terapije - poboljšanja zdravstvenog stanja i bolje kvalitete života |
Abstract (english) | Introduction: Loss of the foot arches and muscle weakening leads to flat foot. Pes planus can
be either congenital or acquired. It is more likely that a flat foot is acquired during physical
development. According to the level of the descent, we differentiate between pes planus, pes
planovalgus, and pes valgus. Numerous factors influence the phenomenon of flat foot but the
most common causes are inappropriate footwear, the profession, and genetic factors.
Procedures: During the research, data for this paper was collected by researching the online
electronic database “Scribd”, as well as analyzing books from the field of medicine, and editions
of the prestigious journal Fizoinfo in the period from 2016 to 2021. The research was conducted
in both Croatian and English language. Based on the research, a total of 40 papers were found
on the given topic. After the papers were analyzed, only 15 of them were selected as suitable
and therefore, included in this paper.
Topic overview: Physiotherapy plays a marginal role in the treatment of numerous foot
deformations, which also includes the treatment of the flat foot. The best form of treatment is
kinesiotherapy, complemented by the application of additive apparatus like orthopedic
cartridges, kinesio tapings, or by using electrostimulation. Orthopedic cartridges have proved
to be the most effective for foot relief. Besides treatment, it is crucial to emphasize the
prevention and early diagnostics which, later on, grants better results during the treatment.
Conclusion: It is important to address the issues caused by the flat foot on time. The shared
commitment of a physiotherapist and patient will result in improved health status and better
quality of life of the patient, which is their ultimate goal |