Abstract | Cilj istraživanja: ispitati mišljenja zdravstvenih djelatnika o cijepljenju protiv bolesti
Nacrt studije: presječna studija
Ispitanici i metode: u ovom istraživanju sudjelovali su zdravstveni djelatnici iz OB „Dr.
Josip Benčević“ u Slavonskom Brodu. Sudjelovao je 181 ispitanik, u vremenu od prosinca
2021. godine do ožujka 2022. godine. Tijekom istraživanja korišten je anketni nestrukturirani
upitnik. Pitanja su bila zatvorenoga tipa. Anketni upitnik sadrži 21 pitanje, od toga je 7 pitanja
demografskoga karaktera te 14 pitanja koja se odnose na mišljenje zdravstvenih djelatnika o
cijepljenju protiv bolesti COVID-19.
Rezultati:Od 181 ispitanika bolest COVID-19 preboljelo je 124 (68,51). Njih 90 (72,58)
imalo je blagu kliničku sliku, 150 (82,87) ispitanika misli da se djeca ne bi trebala cijepiti te
128 (70,72) ispitanika misli da se trudnice ne bi trebale cijepiti. Najviše ispitanika misli da bi
se stariji ljudi trebali cijepiti, njih 68 (37,57). 90 (50,28) ispitanika misli da cjepivo štiti od
zaraze. 149 (82,32) ispitanika cijepilo se protiv bolesti COVID-19. Češći razlozi zbog kojih
su se ispitanici cijepili jesu blaži simptomi bolesti nakon cijepljenja, 70 (46,98) te zaštita
obitelji i pacijenata, 54 (36,24). Češći razlozi zbog kojih se ispitanici nisu cijepili jesu ti što
cjepivo nije dovoljno klinički ispitano, 21 (65,63) te jer se i nakon cjepiva osoba može
zaraziti, 19 (59,38).
Zaključak:većina ispitanika misli da se djeca i trudnice ne bi trebali cijepiti. Većina se
cijepila protiv bolesti COVID-19. Većina misli da bi se stariji ljudi trebali cijepiti. Ispitanici
su se u većini cijepili jer su nakon cijepljenja blaži simptomi bolesti te da zaštite obitelj i
pacijente, a nisu se cijepili jer cjepivo nije dovoljno klinički ispitano i jer se i nakon cjepiva
može zaraziti. |
Abstract (english) | Aim of the research: to examine the opinions of health professionals about vaccination
against disease COVID-19
Study outline: cross-sectional study
Examinees and methodology: this study involved health professionals from OB "Dr. Josip
Benčević ”in Slavonski Brod. 181 examinees participated, in the period from December 2021
to March 2022. An unstructured survey questionnaire was used during the research. The
questions were closed-ended. The questionnaire contains 21 questions, of which 7 are
demographic and 14 are questions related to the opinion of health professionals about
vaccination against COVID-19.
Results: out of 181 subjects, 124 (68.51) recovered from COVID-19. Ninety of them (72.58)
suffered a mild clinical picture. 150 (82.87) examinees think that children should not be
vaccinated and 128 (70.72) examinees think that pregnant women should not be vaccinated.
Most examinees think that elderly should be vaccinated, 68 of them (37.57). Ninety (50.28)
examinees think that the vaccine protects against infection.149 (82.32) examinees were
vaccinated against COVID-19. One of the most common reasons why examinees were
vaccinated is because after vaccination the symptoms of the disease are milder, 70 (46.98) and
to protect family and patients, 54 (36.24). One of the most common reasons why examinees
did not get vaccinated is that the vaccine has not been sufficiently clinically tested, 21 (65.63)
and because even after vaccination a person can become infected, 19 (59.38).
Conclusion: most examinees think that children and pregnant women should not be
vaccinated. Most were vaccinated against COVID-19. Most think that elderly should be
vaccinated. Examinees were mostly vaccinated because the symptoms of the disease are
milder after vaccination and to protect family and patients, and those who were not were not
vaccinated chose to do so because the vaccine has not been sufficiently clinically tested and
because it can be infected after vaccination. |